Snapshots from Eldredge

The life and writings of TJ Alexian

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Journey’s end

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“Once you’ve had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.” – Dean Koontz

Kyra had a tough three weeks, and passed on Saturday, December 9.

It’s going to be tough for me to write this entry. I have been putting it off and putting it off because I know how sad I was going to feel. How much of a loss it is to all of us.

Her last three weeks with us were so difficult. She returned home the first night from the hospital whimpering nervously all night long, and while that passed and she was able to start walking around after a while, she was never the same. She became ravenously hungry and would drink like there was no tomorrow. She lost her sight in her left eye and would need to circle around to see anything. She became anxious constantly and would just pace around, stumbling into everything.

Every day brought something new that she couldn’t do. And finally, the night before she left us, we gathered the entire family at the house to spend some time with her, one last time.

Everyone took turns holding and petting her, whispering what a good girl she was. And Theo and Ashes spent some time at the end alone, letting her know much she loved her. Ashes had a particularly hard time saying goodbye. She needed Dan there to support her.

The next day, we tried to give to Kyra as much as we could some of her old rituals.

We took her to Honey Dew for her morning sausage. Only by this time, she couldn’t lift her head up to even see what she was getting, unlike the excitement we would see from her in the past.

We took her for one last walk at her favorite park, although she could only walk a quarter of a lap, this time around.

Theo met us at the vet. And he held her close to the every end, as she made her way across the rainbow bridge.

I can’t write any more. I am too sad. I loved her so much, more than any dog I have ever had grace my life.

Kyra, every day we think about you. Every day we turn the corner, expecting to see you there, trained as we are in the daily rituals you trained us so carefully to handle, mere imperfect humans that we are. This Christmas has not been the same, this house no longer as bright. We have broken down sobbing several times in the past few weeks.

You filled this space with your kind sweet presence and you made us happier through your love and attention. Our world has been better these past ten years with you being here.

I miss your special hugs, every time I return home. I miss that acutely. The way you would let me hold you, and that special sound you would make when I would squeeze you to my side and place my head next to yours. The sound of contentment, of satisfaction, of trust.

Thank you for being the best dog there ever was. Thank you for making this house a home. We will honor your memory and keep your traditions alive, for the rest of our lives. Your shadow will live in our hearts. Forever.

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Sympathy Tenderness, Offer Me Their Embrace

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“Animals are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” George Eliot

Last Saturday night, we returned home from a poor version of Jekyll and Hyde (after singing “This is the Moment,” the lead actually broke the fourth wall and acknowledged the audience’s applause…I was ready to vomit), walked down our stone path under the arches, arrived at our side door, and as always, waited for Kyra to greet us. Usually, she will run downstairs from where she’s been sleeping on our bed so she can lift up front legs and I can give her a great big hug. Which she did…

…but as I headed into the kitchen, I heard Corb say, “Ted, something’s wrong with Krya.”

And then she moved into our kitchen and had a seizure in front of the refrigerator.

Have you ever seen a dog have a seizure? It’s a horrible thing. They kind of fall to the ground and run in circles. Her mouth started to wiggle and vibrate as saliva dripped to the ground and she lost control of her bladder.

For some reason, when shit like this happens, I lose control of my neurosis and snap into emergency mode. “Easy baby, easy..” I said soothingly, as she convulsed for about three minutes/felt like an hour. Meanwhile, Corb was on the phone with Tufts, seeing what we should do and where we should go.

On to Walpole. Before she entered into the truck, she seized again. And then, after being checked up at midnight by a very kind doctor, she seized again. She was sent into observation, and seized a fourth time, at around two at night. The next day, under medication, she had a mini seizure in the face, not quite a Grand Mal. She was placed on phenobarbitol and sent home, Monday night.

What’s wrong? We aren’t 100 percent sure, but the doctors there think that for an older dog, and the way she was circling around in one direction, and lost vision in one eye, it is most likely a tumor in that area of the brain. We couldn’t be 100 percent certain unless we had an MRI done, and that…well that would be $10,000 and wouldn’t treatable, would just let us know (maybe) what is going on.

Since that night, it’s been a slow ascent toward normality. Kyra is now finally beginning to act like her usual self and not stumble around like a drunken puppy. She is wagging her tail and barking again. Not laying there making whispy whiny noises (fight night post hospital) or standing around motionless searching for a purpose (third night post hospital). She can climb down our front porch steps with ease. But also, she is powerfully hungry all the time, drinks water like it’s going out of style, and pees like a racehorse.

Things are better now, although both of us spent the past week at home, scared something else might happen. Afraid to leave her alone and she may have another seizure, without either of us around.

We are worried about what the next week–Thanksgiving week–will bring. Can we get out to spend time with family? What would we do with Kyra during that time? This year was Thanksgiving at Tommy’s, and he wanted to show off his new place. We wanted to go, but can we, now? Plymouth seems such a long way away.

Today we were able to go to Corb’s shop, together, but only because Josie came over and minded the pup. It felt nice to get out and be with people, if only for a few hours.

I remember picking her up, ten years ago. A rescue pup from Tennessee, separated from her brother Caleb. A bad family situation, lost four other pup sisters and brothers in rather violent circumstances. She was a bit scare for the longest time but gradually learned to trust again and has had the loveliest life with us since then, with morning trips to the local Honey Dew for pieces of sausage.

Pups are in our lives for such a short period of time. They love so completely, trust so emphatically. They snuggle and drool. And then, they move on. And we miss them so badly, it’s like a piece of our soul has been ripped out.

For the next few months, for as ever long it takes? Kyra’s going to get all the love and loyalty one dog could ever ask for.

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Live and Let Die

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“No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!” Goldfinger

James Bond tried to kill me!

So, the other day, I was working in the den for a change of pace, when all of a sudden I started smelling a weird marshmallow scent. Oh, yum, I immediately thought, but increasingly, it started smelling more like burnt plastic or electrical wiring.

Alarmed, I started looking around the house. Sniff sniff, sniff sniff. It seemed to be concentrated in the den, although the upstairs had a bit of a burning smell as well.

Methodically, I then went outside, to see if possibly it was a neighbor sitiuation. Sniff sniff, sniff sniff. Nope, definitely indoors. All I smelled outside was the crisp fall air.

I went back inside, sniffed around again. Nope, still there. I contemplated calling the fire department. I know, that is probably what most rationale people would have done. But…having them come by with those fire alarms going…all those hunky fireman with their big fire hoses…

Instead, I called Corb, who was at work at his store, as this was a Friday. After three rings, it went to his voicemail. Corb, pick up! I tried again. Same deal. Dammit, where was that man when I needed him?

Hunky firemen…big hoses. Nope. Too embarrassing and how about if it was a false alarm? But still, the thought of something burning inside the walls was burning away at me. It was definitely a weird feeling. Like something ominous hanging in the air, a serpent waiting to strike.

Nope. Still not enough to warrant a call to the fire department. Instead, I called Annie. She lives down the street and always is available to help when I need her.

Fifteen minutes later, Annie was there. “Do you smell anything, sweetie?” I wanted validation, because, yes, I did immediately suspect a stroke.

She sniffed. “I do, dad. Something is burning here. And it smells pretty disgusting, too. Seems to be…” She walked around. “Yes, I think it’s in the den.”

We must have searched around the house for a half an hour, but couldn’t find anything.

My phone rang. It was Corb. “What’s up?”

“Fire!” I explained what was going down. He excused himself from work and started to drive home. Talked us through all of the things he thought it might be. We sort of isolated it to near the television.

“We just can’t find any real cause…” I said to Corb. And then, I looked up at the floor lamps next to the couch. “Oh!”

The floor lamp was one that Corb calls a torchiere (I had to ask him, I had no idea. But remember: he specializes in lighting restoration), and the reflecting bowl at the top is huge. And, from the looks of it, several of my DVDs had somehow managed to fall inside from the top shelf of the bookcase containing all my actions series a complete collection of Doctor Who. Our cat Ping had knocked them over, perhaps?

I climbed up on the couch to get a better look. Oh, ick. The result was a plastic gooey mess and the awful smell. And the damage? All my James Bonds and season one of Mission Impossible were now…extinct! It brought new meaning to the phrase “This tape will now self destruct in one minute…”

My house could have self destructed in a few more minutes.

Yeah, it could have been worse, I guess. None of my shitty musicals were harmed! PHEW!

And I laugh now, but as I gathered up the melted plastic gookiness and deposited it outside for tossing, I reflected on how lucky I had been. Fortunately, when I had first gotten whiff of the smell, as I was contemplated a stroke-like condition, I had also turned off all of the lamps inside the den, meaning that I had prevented it from getting any worse. I just didn’t know that at the time.

Corb swears I should have called the fire department. I don’t regret not doing it. It would have been a big hassle, everyone would have paid attention to our house, and we probably would have gotten a bill from the city afterwards. No thank you. I’ll save that for a time when they are really needed.

Still, someone was looking over me that day. Imagine if that light had been on and I hadn’t been home? Things could have been a lot crunchier.

Guess I live to die another day, Mr. Bond.

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Wedding day

“Slipping through my fingers all the time…” ABBA

This one has taken me a while to write about, probably because I wasn’t sure where to start. 

A few weeks ago, Ashes and Dan were married at Castleton in New Hamsphire. It was a beautiful day for a wedding, and that was a huge relief, because we’ve had so many rainy weekends this year, and the day before had been one big rainstorm. But for some reason, the gods were smiling down and the day was absolutely perfect. 

Dan and Ashes were married outside by the water in a ceremony officiated by his gay uncle, whose other half is a drag queen. The entire ceremony was rather non-traditional. Brian ended his speech with “Good luck, and don’t…f*** it up,” for example. During the reception, Dan and Ashes entered by singing the very start of “Rose Tint my World,” after which the wedding party burst into the Time Warp.

Some people said it was one of the best weddings they had ever been to. I don’t know if that is a bit of hyperbole, but it was awfully nice to hear. It certainly was, for me!

Here are the two stories I have told the most since the wedding. One is serious, the other silly.

Right before we arrived at the wedding site, the photographer, who was kind of a prissy guy and fought with the day planner the entire day, wanted a photo of me seeing Ashes in her gown for the first time. It sounds good in theory, but I was totally acting during it. First off, she wasn’t ready for the shot (of course), so Corb and I had to wait an hour outside her hotel room to go in and take the photo, so we were a bit grumpy, naturally. And second, it just felt forced. I felt like I was pretending to be overwhelmed with emotion the entire time. 

To be honest, it kind of worried me. Was that how I was going to feel the entire time? Was this my daughter’s big day and I was going to, like Morales, feel nothing?

Then the time came for the actual ceremony. And I tell you, as I walked to her suite to walk my girl down that aisle, as I opened that door to spend a few quiet moments with her…

“Well, here we are,” I said.

She looked up. “Hi dad.”

And as I gave her a big hug, I genuinely started to tear up and started to blubber. And let me tell you, I am an ugly crier. A big old ugly crier. 

“I love you, sweetie.” And as we hugged, without warning, the door to her suite started to open up. We both looked over.

But no one was at the door. It had just opened by itself. I looked over at Ashes. “I guess Nana Mitchell wanted to see you in your dress,” I said. Nana Mitchell, who had passed away so long ago now, who made dinner for Ashes and me every Wednesday night for years when Ashes was just eight years old. And now…look how grown up she is. 

Ashes and I looked at each. And I started ugly crying again. And then, wiping away the tears, I led her out the door to walk her down the aisle. It was time.

The far less serious story happened after the wedding was over. As we were packing up, Ashes was stuck with a dilemma–how to transport the wedding cake, which the staff had inexplicably not served the guests? ‘

Ashes asked if Corb and I could help move it, but our truck was still at Ashes’ hotel, as we drove to the location in the limo with Ashes. So we were bumming a ride from Alex. Ever so carefully, we placed the cake into the back of Alex’s car, and strapped it in with a seat belt. And at the point, Ashes asked us for one more favor: could we drive the maid of honor back to her hotel? Gulp. It was going to be a tight ride, but okay.

Only one twist: the maid of honor was…well, three sheets to the wind.

Which made for an amazing ride to the hotel, as she spent the ride telling us how much she loved Ashes. “I love that girl! No, really I do. I’d do anythingforher! I’d takeabullet for her, I’d bethere if she need anything. That girl…that girl..that girl means everything to me! She is my total, total, total besty. Fer reals.”

And more like that for the fifteen minutes it took to get to the hotel. Except for one two minute period where she grew silent.

We all looked over. She had fallen asleep on the cake. 

And as she got out of the car, she took one look at the cake, which now had a large elbow mark on the top layer, turned to us, and said, “That was like the when I got in the car, I swear.”

Gulp. Glad I paid so much for that comfy pillow. And also, glad that my husband went to Johnson and Wales. 

The next day, we took the cake home, removed the top layer, and Corb worked his magic. He turned the second layer into what now resembled a galaxy cake and we wrapped that up for Dan and Ashes. And the rest of the week, we feasted on cake pops. A win/win all around.

What the stories don’t talk about are the intense feelings I had during this entire weekend. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Josie and I had divorced…and all the drama surrounding my relationship with Corb and pretending that we weren’t together for so long. Ashes and I haven’t always had the easiest relationship through the years, and I have such feelings of guilt and sadness and overwhelming protectiveness for her. Too much protectiveness. I really should have stopped worrying about so much, because she turned out just fine.

And I am so, so happy that her and Dan met. Before she met him, right at the start of the pandemic, she was in a really horrible relationship and I was frankly worried she would be living at my house for the rest of my life. Dan does so much to complete her, and he is totally devoted to her. They are truly a perfect couple, and I couldn’t be any happier. And relieved that she found her happy ending.

Ashes and I have been on a thirty year journey that ends with this walk down the aisle. Or rather, begins a new journey. And I have been so happy to be there supporting her, every step of the way.  

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The Journey Takes Shape.

“Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation.” – Leo Tolstoy

For the first time since last July, I have a whole week off from work, and even though both Corb and I are now fully vaccinated, we have elected to stay inside Green Victoria and begin work on transforming Ashes’ old bedroom into Ted’s new office. We are now on our fourth day of work.

Clarification: set designer/chandelier restorer/master builder Corb is really the muscles and brains behind the operation, so I am getting a vacation of sorts. I sit in the bedroom and help when needed and every so often get to sneak off and work on something like, say, this entry. And, that’s nice.

So far, we have created a pocket door for the entrance, which frees up a lot of space, and just finished the drywall. We are now in the midst of filling in the holes created as a result of tearing down old drywall, reframing and rewiring some crummy previous construction and then, we may take a break and get away from our house for a few days, and actually travel for a bit.

As I begin to think of the next chapter of my life, these are the things that fill my head: travel, reconstruction, good food, writing and art, and spending time with people I truly love. Oddly, the thought of jumping from one year of isolation into directing a theater production holds little appeal. Will that feeling last? 

The thought of this office holds the most appeal. I have a vision of a drafting table occupying center stage, allowing me to place pen to paper, to create, to be free, to set sail for wherever my imagination wants to go. The room will have a Caribbean feel, reminding me of all the trips we’ve taken these past five years. This room represents my next destination, the anchor lifted, with clear blue skies.

Part of worries: at the age of 55, how creative can I really get? Is there really another chapter in the books? I’ve had so many great chapters in my life. 

Don’t worry about worries. Deep breath. Visualize. Create, travel, eat well, love well. That sounds like a good set of prioritizes for this next chapter. That journey begins HERE. 

–April 22, 2021

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A Damsel in Distress

“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your arm.” Swedish proverb

Today was such a beautiful one in the city of Eldredge that Corb and I decided to set aside working on the office project and instead focus some much-needed attention on doing yard work around Green Victoria. Between the work on the Chandelier Shack and the New Office, our exterior hasn’t gotten the love it deserves this year.

I was assigned to wind machine duty for the first half of the day. It’s actually a leaf blower, but I think calling it a wind machine makes it sound more interesting, don’t you? And as I was in the midst of pummeling the leaves and needles underneath one of our dogwood trees into submission, I happened to look up at the old decaying house next door and stopped, dead in my tracks.

“Hey, Corb. Look at that.”

There, hanging out from one of the windows. A doll that had clearly seen better days, sitting on the window’s ledge, her legs delicately swinging to the left in a ladylike way. She was wearing a pink dress. Her hair was swept up to highlight the delicate features of her face, especially the smears of dirt around her forehead and cheeks. Just relaxing, clearly, and taking in the view from the second floor.  

The house she was perched in has been abandoned for about two years, although it had fallen into decay many years before that. The roof is caved in and the wood is rotted, but the previous owner had allowed his son, something of a recluse, to live there for years. About a year ago, son was kicked out and two inept developers (father and son) bought the property. Their goal has never been to restore the property to its former glory, although at one point it was probably quite beautiful. The place has been around since the mid-1800s, and may have once served as an inn. Instead, they want to tear it down and build two single family dwellings on the property in its place. The march of progress, right? 

Anyway, since the developers haven’t yet gotten around to leveling the place, they apparently lent out the joint to the local fire fighters. We found that out second-hand, about a week ago, when we noticed a lot of fire trucks hanging around, taking up space in our front lawn. Since the developers hate us (maybe because we call them inept), we called up the fire department to find out what’s what. Turns out the old place is being used to conduct training exercises

One of the firemen must have placed the doll on the windowsill, as a joke. 

But still, the doll must have been there, all these years. It looks pretty old. I doubt the firemen brought it for their exercises. Or maybe they did, to practice rescuing damsels in distress? Nah. It must have been hiding in a corner and gathering dust, all this time.  

I have decided to call her Virginia Creeper. Virginia because she has kind of a Southern charm. Creeper because she’s kind of…well, aren’t all old dolls kind of creepy?

Frankly, I think it’s kind of nice that Virginia is getting some final moments in the sun. She must have been laying around in that old house for quite awhile, forgotten and abandoned. I’m sure whoever owned her and loved her originally reached adulthood many decades ago. 

But here she is now, boys. Virginia Creeper lives again. Camped out in this windowless window, surveying the territory for all to see. Reliving those glory days.

I hope the firefighters keep her perched up there. I very much like the idea of basking in the glow of her Southern comfort for a while longer. Looking down upon us, feeling the excitement of the firetrucks and the fire drills, and the hustle and bustle of the house construction going on around her. 

I don’t think Virginia needs to know her house is going to come tumbling down. Let her enjoy the view she’s been blessed with, instead. Let her enjoy the dizzying heights, and who knows, maybe some kind firefighter will sweep her off her feet and take her away with him when all these training exercises are all over. There. There’s the happy ending I want for Virginia Creeper. That. 

In the meantime, Virginia, I look forward to having you keep a close eye on us in the days ahead. You’ve got a fan in me, doll.   

–May 9, 2021

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Three dinners, one martini

“The more you celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate.” Oprah Winfrey

This week-end? One month into the vaccinated life? Almost felt normal.

Friday night was our first time out to our favorite restaurant in Eldredge, seated in their open area. First time in over a year. We settled in the back corner, reconnected with all of our favorite waitresses, and it felt like a slice of heaven. I ordered my favorite martini, the grape ape, which tastes just like grape Kool-aid, and a spicy maki tuna. 

“Every Friday night at seven this summer,” I declared to Corb. “We are holding court right here. Maybe we will invite other people. It doesn’t matter.”

Then we went home so that I could torture him with a bad Hollywood movie musical, a tradition we started two months into the pandemic. Every Friday night at ten o’clock, I announce the movie on Facebook and Corb and I provide color commentary until Corb passes out. This week was “The Beautiful Blonde from Bashville Bend” starring Better Grable. I loved it. Corb hated it, although less than last week’s entry, Calamity Jane.

Saturday night we ended up driving to the Cape Cod canal for a four mile walk, then we drove to Corb’s favorite restaurant (they serve fabulous turkey croquettes), only to find it wasn’t open. Disappointed beyond words, Corb and I drove into Falmouth, unable to agree on a place to eat. WE ARE TERRIBLE WHEN IT COMES TO AGREEING ON RESTAURANTS! We drive by a place, kind of agree but by then it’s too late, never turn back, cannot agree for five more restaurants, then drive past another…rinse, lather, repeat. Finally we agreed on a wonderful little Greek restaurant named Estia on Main Street. The spanokopita was terrific and there were big slices of feta cheese. A two man Greek band played near us. I drank a fig martini. It reminded Corb of his mini-trip to Greece while he was working in Bulgaria.

Sunday night, after a day spent working outside doing yard work, no martinis, no fancy meal, but a nice dinner out at Texas Roadhouse with Corb’s mother, who is going through a lot with Jim, who has been hospitalized for a month and I frankly am worried about. The best they can tell, he came down with full body shingles which has done a number to his system. Ironically, he had turned down the shingles  vaccine two months beforehand, saying he never gets a flu shot, why should he get that? It’s really sad. Jim has such a wonderful, one of a kind spirit. He is what I aspire to be at 85. 

Oh! And free irises and lilies from the garden of my ear friend Heather, and the best part of all? We’re both vaccinated, so I could give her a big huge hug. 

All in all? These are days. I could go for an entire summer of this. It’s nice to take baby steps towards normality again.   

–May 17, 2021


Tea and Memory


Friday was May Day, otherwise known as the first day of May. What a quaint tradition May Day is: an older-than-old rite of Spring I don’t think anyone in the States really considers any more, although I think it’s still observed in Europe. May poles and all that. Maybe it would have been bigger, had it gone the way of Saturnalia and just been renamed Christmas. Clearly someone had the wrong marketing agency.  

May Day also happens to be the birthday of my grandmother, who would have been 106 this year. She passed away in 2004, sixteen years ago.

The first of May is an easy birth date to remember, so when I woke up that morning, I actually did say “Happy birthday” to myself, but then the thought passed away in the crushing flow of what needed to get done that day and the underlying COVID-inspired sanctuary malaise that seems to hover over everything these days.

My brother Tommy, who is much more thoughtful about these things, posted a lovely photo of Nana as a teenager on our “personal Facebook” family page: it’s actually a text message string Dad created a year ago that includes all the kids and mom and dad, where he posts daily photos. Dad and Mom are not into social media and this is the closest they come and I kind of love it. The photo of Nana Tommy posted hangs on our wall of memories outside the front door of Green Victoria.

The minute I saw it, I stopped what I was doing and walked over to give the Nana photo a quick kiss and tell her I loved her. 

The thought of Nana passing also came to mind later that day as I was “talking” (or what passes for talking these days…really, texting) to my friend Melissa, who lost her grandmother about a week ago to COVID-related complications. I wish I had thought to bring up the birthday or my grandmother, rather than simply say the words that everyone says when you are discussing a recent bereavement. So sorry…let me know if I can help in any way. You know the words. Maybe stressing a common connection might have meant more.

Let me try now.

For years growing up, from when I was about six or seven, I’d have a nightly ritual with Nana, who lived in an in-law apartment on the ground floor of my parents’ home growing up. Around seven in the evening, I would go downstairs and she’d make me some peanut butter toast with tea and we’d watch TV. Usually I’d be sitting down there, writing or clumsily drawing a comic book, while she’d crochet a pair of slippers or work on an afghan. She was pretty well known for her crochet work…to this day, all of us have friends who have held on to their slippers from her.

As I grew older, this tradition began to falter, as I came out of my shell and found friends and activities and eventually Josie. But really, that toast and tea ritual lasted for at least fifteen years, which is a good long time.

I’ll never forget one of the last evenings having toast and tea with Nana. It was the night before I moved out of my parents’ house. I was 23 and Josie and I were moving in together, after a few years of dating. Most of the bags packed, I went down for one final evening with Nana and…well, over-nostalgic lump that I was, burst into tears. I mean, totally lost it. PS: I am an ugly crier. Just ask Josie or Corb.

Nana set down her needles and looked over with concern. “Teddy, what’s the matter?”

“I don’t want this to end,” I managed to blubber.

“Oh.” Her eyes crinkled together as she considered what I had said. “Moving out of your parents’ house is hard, but—“

“No. This! Coming down here every night. Spending this…time together…with…”

“Well, Teddy.” She sighed. “It has to end sometime, right?”

I didn’t want to hear this. But she continued.

“You’re getting older now and grown up and it’s only natural you’re going to find a woman to love [EDITORS NOTE: Little did she know…] and then get married [EDITORS NOTE: Little did she know…] and have kids [EDITORS NOTE: Okay, that one she knew about…]. You’re never going to do all that and still come down and see me at seven every night, right? And I wouldn’t want you to.” 

“I’m just…” A pause. I tried to pull myself together. “I’m just going to miss this so much.”

She patted my hand. “You will. At first. But things change when you get older. You’ll see.”

I grabbed her hand. “No! I won’t ever forget—“

“I didn’t say forget. But you’ll SEE.”

I didn’t see. But things change.

So I moved out, got married, had kids (not quite in that order). And although we attempted toast and tea time, it didn’t work, but after a while, Nana and I managed to find a substitute for our nightly get-togethers. Once a week, usually on a Wednesday, I would come over and she would make me supper in her tiny little kitchen. Then she’d pack me a lunch for the next day at work. You’d better believe those were some of my favorite lunches at work. I was probably one of the few supervisors who would regularly bring in a paper bag lunch from his grandmother every Thursday.

And then, things changed again. When Nana passed, I was 38, so this year is exactly the midpoint between when I moved out of my folks’ house and now. At 38, I was going through stuff. Time had passed and I had moved out of another house—Josie’s—and had just begun a third life, with Corb. 

That’s wasn’t something Nana was aware of. Due to failing health, Nana had moved out of her house, too, of over 30 years. Into a nursing home.

Josie and I hid the divorce from Nana. It would only have made her sad and upset, and Nana loved Josie and wasn’t doing great, so the two of us would simply visit her at the nursing home and pretend to still be married.

I know, I know, in these times, that sounds horrible, but you have to remember, Nana was of another time and place. Would she have accepted things had we had more time? I honestly don’t know. But perhaps this is why I loved Corb’s grandmother so…she was of the same time and place and I know she accepted and loved us.

Nana’s wake was actually the first time many members of my family actually met Corb, including my parents. (And they have loved him ever since!)

I kind of regret all this, because there’s no doubt it separated me from her. There was so much I couldn’t talk about at that point—certainly this wasn’t material to nosh over if we had managed to have toast and tea in the nursing home. And I wish we had. But no, not once. I had the kids every other night and theater on the other nights and…well, no excuses. Things changed. I wish they hadn’t. But she had been right, all along.

Is there a point to this? I think so. I think it’s, when tea and toast was no longer viable, we found a way to adopt and change and still achieve some form of regular connection. It didn’t involve toast. It didn’t involve tea, although some nights, it did, I imagine. But it did involve the two of us.

I’ve said this before, the traditions we create among friends and family create the deepest connections in our souls. They’re what we remember when we consider a life well spent. That’s why I so cherish mine: Christmas eve parties at my parents, Scrabble with my brother. Watching Buffy with Kayla and TJ and Krista. Santa Ghost stories. Skanky Swap on New Year’s eve. Father’s day and lobster at the beach house.  Ted and Corb’s Halloween costume party. Theater traditions with my friends, whether it’s singing Paddy Murphy late at night or the move into Wheaton or the old stories we tell, over and over again, of adventures past. And from almost the very start, toast and tea with Nana.  

This year, this season, keeping up these traditions has been made more difficult, but in some ways, are even more important as a result. The fact is, life will always change, always evolve. The important thing is not to let it devolve into a series of random socially isolated disconnected memories. Find the meaning. Build on the memories. Find ways to make connections with the ones you love.

I wish I had gotten out of my head enough to maintain a few more toast and tea moments with Nana in her last few years.

But for as long as I can, I want to try to find a way to create more of those moments with the people in my life, and help them live on for as long as possible. Peanut butter sticks, remember. And this sort of toast is the bread living on in our memories for years to come, sustaining us when separated by time. 

Time. Way way way too short. We need every trick we can get to fool ourselves into making it feel longer.

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Now available: Late Night Show

Late Night Show-Profile

I am thrilled to announce that my latest book, Late Night Show, is now available on Kindle and paperback. This one is a bit edgier than my last novel, Pictures of You: it’s a techno-thriller with a voyeuristic “Rear Window” theme involving webcams, the dark underbelly of big soulless corporations, and a girl who just wants to be Queen on the Night, dammit. Check it out!


The camera may not lie, but it doesn’t tell the whole story, either.

That’s what Kami Corley learns one late night when she connects with a girl online named GoAskAlice–and receives in return a disturbing plea for help. Although Kami wishes for more excitement than the flat Midwest town she’s living in, she never wished for what happens next, as she witnesses Alice’s grisly on-camera murder. Without knowing her real name or even her location, Kami doesn’t know where to turn for help. As she uses the few clues she has to dig deeper into the crime, she finds herself caught in a web from which there is no escape—one that may lead to her own on-camera death, as well.

Will Kami live or die when she is thrust into the very heart of a secret organization known only as the GKS? Without warning, she’s become the one on the inside looking out—and very well may be the next one chosen to play the deadly midnight game known as the Late Night Show.

Get your copy on Kindle or paperback!

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Operation: Moth balls


Back to work yesterday. Ugh. And last night’s problem: tackling some cheeky chipmunks.

It all started about a week ago, when I decided I wanted to really make a consistent effort to fill up the bird feeders around Green Victoria. I don’t know why the thought popped into my head. I just wanted to. I’m just that kind of person. Occasionally thoughtful.

We have one feeder that is located right by the archway leading into our yard. The very day after I filled it, I noticed that most of the seed was missing and there were a ton of empty shells around the feeder. It looked like the end of the night at the local saloon.

“Hmmm.” I said to myself. “I doubt the birds are THAT hungry. Even if I haven’t filled that thing up for about a year.”

So, I kept my eagle eye out. And soon enough, I realized that there were an awful lot of squirrels and chipmunks visiting that particular tree. Aha!

Duly warned, I went to the old Stop and Grab and bought bird seed that birds like, but squirrels and chipmunks detest because it has cayenne pepper sprinkled in. Take that, mammals with bland appetites! I filled that bird feeder up to the rim with caliente.

The next morning, I walked out of the house. Damn tricky mammals. The fuckers had somehow managed to scoop through all the seeds in the birdcage to find the ones they like, grabbed those, and dumped all the cayenne-covered seeds onto the ground. The cads!

But we’ve kept up with the hot seeds, and the past few days, I’ve noticed that the birdseed level has gone back to normal. So either the squirels and chipmonks have moved on and accepted that this feeder is muy muy caliente or the birds are finally full.

Although perhaps the bird feeder problem has resolved, the whole experience uncovered another problem. You see, everywhere I turn since then, I’ve been encountering chipmunks these days around the hallowed grounds of Green Victoria.

No, seriously. In the trees. Scurrying underfoot. I open the door in the morning to let Kyra pee and she goes scampering after something, instantly. Crawling out of my cereal ball when I pour milk into my Rice Crispies. Those little guys sure hate that Snap Crackle and Pop!

(Note: maybe one of those examples is a lie. I leave it up to you to guess which one.)

I’d say I’ve gone a bit nuts, but Corb’s noticed it too.Last evening Corb decided to do something about it. Project Mothballs has begun.

“I read that chipmunks don’t like the smell of moth balls,” explained Corb as we hunted around the grocery store. Where do they keep moth balls, anyways?

“Are you sure you didn’t misread it?” I asked. “Maybe they actually don’t like the smell of meatballs.”

“Silly Ted. That’s only Italian chipmunks,” replied Corb. “No, what we need to do is to wrap up some moth balls in cheesecloth and throw them around the outside of the house. Around the foundation, in any holes you see. The smell is supposed to keep the little pests away.”

“The smell makes me want to run away,” I complained to Corb as we were wrapping up the moth balls later in the kitchen that evening. “I mean, I like the smell of mothballs in little old lady’s drawers, but this is too much.”

Corb frowned at me. “I always suspected that about you,..” Yeah, I am a regular Nathan Lane in Little Old Lady land. Lick me. Touch me.

“Isn’t this going to make the whole place smell like moth balls?” I asked Corb as we started tossing the little bags into nooks and crannies around the house. “Isn’t it bad enough we have an old Victorian? Isn’t this going to make it seem really old?”

“Shut up and throw,” he replied. Ah, who am I kidding? I just followed him around and made wiseass comments.

So, that’s been our life the past week. Chasing the chipmunks. Forget about Pokemon Go! We’ve got a different kind of wildlife to capture. Or at least, release. First we had deer, then flying squirrels, now this. Sometimes I’m not sure if I own a home or a wildlife sanctuary.

Maybe a combination of both.