Snapshots from Eldredge

The life and writings of TJ Alexian

Journey’s end

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“Once you’ve had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.” – Dean Koontz

Kyra had a tough three weeks, and passed on Saturday, December 9.

It’s going to be tough for me to write this entry. I have been putting it off and putting it off because I know how sad I was going to feel. How much of a loss it is to all of us.

Her last three weeks with us were so difficult. She returned home the first night from the hospital whimpering nervously all night long, and while that passed and she was able to start walking around after a while, she was never the same. She became ravenously hungry and would drink like there was no tomorrow. She lost her sight in her left eye and would need to circle around to see anything. She became anxious constantly and would just pace around, stumbling into everything.

Every day brought something new that she couldn’t do. And finally, the night before she left us, we gathered the entire family at the house to spend some time with her, one last time.

Everyone took turns holding and petting her, whispering what a good girl she was. And Theo and Ashes spent some time at the end alone, letting her know much she loved her. Ashes had a particularly hard time saying goodbye. She needed Dan there to support her.

The next day, we tried to give to Kyra as much as we could some of her old rituals.

We took her to Honey Dew for her morning sausage. Only by this time, she couldn’t lift her head up to even see what she was getting, unlike the excitement we would see from her in the past.

We took her for one last walk at her favorite park, although she could only walk a quarter of a lap, this time around.

Theo met us at the vet. And he held her close to the every end, as she made her way across the rainbow bridge.

I can’t write any more. I am too sad. I loved her so much, more than any dog I have ever had grace my life.

Kyra, every day we think about you. Every day we turn the corner, expecting to see you there, trained as we are in the daily rituals you trained us so carefully to handle, mere imperfect humans that we are. This Christmas has not been the same, this house no longer as bright. We have broken down sobbing several times in the past few weeks.

You filled this space with your kind sweet presence and you made us happier through your love and attention. Our world has been better these past ten years with you being here.

I miss your special hugs, every time I return home. I miss that acutely. The way you would let me hold you, and that special sound you would make when I would squeeze you to my side and place my head next to yours. The sound of contentment, of satisfaction, of trust.

Thank you for being the best dog there ever was. Thank you for making this house a home. We will honor your memory and keep your traditions alive, for the rest of our lives. Your shadow will live in our hearts. Forever.

Author: TJ Alexian

T.J. Alexian lives in Attleboro, Massachusetts in a renovated green Victorian, along with seven ghosts and his long-time (and long-suffering) partner. He also has three kids and one spiritual kid, and their stories and their spirit form the heart and soul of his novel, Pictures of You. A profiled author in the Writer's Digest book Writer with a Day Job and an award-winning communications specialist, Pictures of You is Alexian's first novel, although he has two more being prepared for distribution: The Late Night Show and Confessions of a Diva Rotundo. Pictures of You is a young adult thriller that combines Alexian's love for social media with the macabre. A ghost story for the dispossessed, the novel tells the story of a young girl haunted by events in her past that never seem to die. But more than that, the novel is about being heard, about giving voice to voices that don't fit the norm. Some that lack the courage...and some, that hide in the shadows.

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